Serious Games Today

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Who Made This?
This site was built by Digitalmill, Inc. Digitalmill is a consulting and development firm focused on games, videogames, and their related technologies led by Ben Sawyer.

Based in Freeport, Maine, just north of Portland, Digitalmill helps innovative projects, works with great teams, and seeks to advance the use of games for entertainment and non-entertainment purposes.

Any Methodology Notes?
We submit various queries for articles matching various search criteria. In many cases we filter out addiction and shooting stories because our goal is to focus on surfacing news about new products and initiatives and not these volatile topics. Visit Google News to search for information on topics you don't see in our results.

Duplicates are caused by our multiple topic submissions, and off-topic matches sometimes happen dispite efforts to filter out non-relevant content such as sports reports, etc.

Where to Send Suggestions?
You may send an email to staff [at] dmill [dot] com to contact us and suggest improvement.

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